Category: Nutrition

Treating Mental Illness with Nutrition: The Walsh Protocol

The Walsh Institute offers the Walsh protocol for the nutritional treatment of mental illness. This "orthomolecular psychiatry" is not supported by any clinical studies.

/ May 28, 2019

The NORI protocol: An unproven fruit-based nutritional treatment for cancer sold by a self-proclaimed “expert”

Mark Simon is the founder of the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute. He doesn't have an MD, DO, nor PhD. (He doesn't even have an ND!) Yet he claims to have discovered a dietary protocol that can cure cancer. Can it? (I think you know the answer to this question.)

/ May 13, 2019

The Paddison Program for rheumatoid arthritis: An unproven treatment that provides only the illusion of control

Clint Paddison is an Australian comedian with a science degree who developed rheumatoid arthritis at age 31. He now claims to have controlled it with a diet he developed to alter the gut microbiome. How plausible is his story, and does his Paddison Program work? Answer: Not very and almost certainly no.

/ April 29, 2019

The “Evidence” for Prodovite Is Junk Science

Prodovite is a liquid nutritional supplement marketed as "nutrition you can feel." The claims are pseudoscientific nonsense and the single unblinded clinical study is junk science that relies on a bogus test: live cell microscopy.

/ March 12, 2019

Keto Diet for Neurological Disorders

Does the ketogenic diet work for epilepsy or other neurological disorders? While the consensus is that it probably does, the evidence is surprisingly thin.

/ February 20, 2019

Caffeine Withdrawal Headaches

Caffeine is not addictive. Regular users of caffeine can develop tolerance and mild physical dependence, and sudden withdrawal can cause headaches and other symptoms (but only in half the population). This is does not qualify as addiction.

/ February 5, 2019

Your gout, your fault?

Is gout a consequence of lifestyle choices? Or is it mainly genetics?

/ December 13, 2018

Update on Low Calorie Sweeteners

An updated review of the science finds that artificial sweeteners are still a safe and effective option for weight management.

/ November 7, 2018

Fish Oil Doesn’t Help Dry Eyes

Dry eyes? Despite guidelines that recommend fish oil consumption, a new trial demonstrate that they are not effective.

/ September 20, 2018

No Benefit from Fish Oil

A new systematic review of clinical trials shows no clear benefit to consuming omega-3 fatty acids in food or supplements.

/ August 8, 2018