Tag: oil of oregano

An incomplete list of COVID-19 quackery

Possibly the only thing spreading faster than COVID-19 is the pseudoscience about COVID-19.

/ May 28, 2020

Beyond the flu shot: A closer look at the “alternatives”

Once again, it’s influenza season. The vaccine clinics are open, and the hysterical posts about the vaccine’s danger are appearing in social media. There’s familiarity to all of this, but also a big new change – at least in Canada, where I am. Pharmacists can now administer the vaccine. And it’s completely free to anyone in Ontario (where I am), so the...

/ December 5, 2013

Gullible George: A monkey goes to the naturopath

I get the occasional email. Very little hate mail, unfortunately, since hate mail is often more amusing. I read what little email I receive, and usually do not respond, mostly as I do not have the time. I am a slow writer and a slower typist, and there are just so many hours in the day, and the older you get, the...

/ September 9, 2011

Oil of Oregano

Paradoxically, the less evidence that exists to support the use of of a treatment, the more passionate its supporters seem to be. I learned this early in my career as a pharmacist. One pharmacy I worked at did a steady business in essential oils. And king of the oils was oil of oregano. Not only were there several different brands of the...

/ May 26, 2011