Category: Science and Medicine

Aging: Is It a Preventable Disease?

David Sinclair says aging is a disease that can be prevented and treated, and there is no reason life must end. The evidence he presents from scientific studies is intriguing, but far from definitive.

/ November 12, 2019

Dichotomous thinking and uncertainty in medicine and science

Medicine is by its very nature uncertain. Unfortunately, humans don't deal well with uncertainty, and our tendency towards dichotomous thinking leads us to think that if we're not absolutely certain about something we don't know anything.

/ November 11, 2019

Maternal Fluoride and IQ – The Scientific Community Pushes Back

A follow-up on a questionable study of the impact on water fluoridation and IQ. Science marches on, and we're helping it out!

/ November 1, 2019

Shiva Ayyadurai: Antivaxxer for Senate

Did Shiva Ayyadurai invent e-mail? Should he represent the Republican Party? Read below to find out!

/ October 25, 2019

Tattoos Won’t Boost Your Immune System

Can getting a tattoo help reduce your risk of catching a cold? What about getting a bunch of 'em? Sadly, no amount of ink is going to boost your immune system.

/ October 18, 2019

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections: Lots of hype, no convincing evidence

Platelet-rich plasma injections are advertised as an expensive cure-all for sport injuries. The evidence, however, is consistently negative.

/ October 17, 2019

Electromagnetic healing devices for dogs: Studies show “Meh”

Does a pulsed electromagnetic field device work to help dogs recover from surgery? The answer is below. Spoiler alert: The answer is "probably not".

/ October 11, 2019

Hydrogen Water Is Not “the New Nutrient;” Health Claims Are Hype, Not Science.

A new fad, drinking hydrogen water, claims to provide all kinds of health benefits. The scientific evidence isn't there.

/ October 8, 2019

Vaccines in the News: The Good, the Bad, and the Imminent Loss of Our Measles Elimination Status

A quick recap of vaccine-related news from over the past several weeks.

/ October 4, 2019

There’s No Vaccine for HIV/AIDS, But There’s Truvada

Science has made great strides in understanding, treating, and preventing HIV/AIDS. We can hope for an AIDS vaccine, but meanwhile there is a pill that can markedly reduce the risk of becoming infected.

/ October 1, 2019