Category: Science and Medicine

Minimizing COVID Via Postmodernism

An exploration of how, under the guise of "reason", doctors who desperate to be different no matter the evidence have embraced the position that there are no aspects of reality that are objective and that feelings matter more than facts.

/ July 24, 2022

I Don’t Think Vaccine Side Effects Are Worse Than Death. Am I Off My Rocker?

Contrarian doctors frame data in a misleading way to trick you into thinking vaccine side-effects are worse than death. They call you psychotic if you disagree.

/ July 23, 2022

Science-Based Satire: A Powerful and Ancient Practice is Revolutionizing Medical Venipuncture

Are experts in medical dowsing using medical grade rods to locate blood vessels to improve venipuncture success rates? No, they aren't. That's absurd and this is clearly satire. But dowsing for dead bodies might be accepted in a court of law near you, which is also absurd but not made up. Really.

/ July 22, 2022

Yet Another Silly Reason Doctors Give For Leaving Babies Vulnerable to COVID: 🍒-Picking

By cherry-picking only the studies that advance their agenda, contrarian doctors who don't care for sick children can misinform parents and further their goal of having unvaccinated children contract COVID.

/ July 17, 2022

Science Based Satire: Trashing the COVID Vaccine is the Only Way to Maintain Trust in Vaccines

A guest post from a contrarian doctor who knows one has to trash vaccines to maintain trust in vaccines.

/ July 15, 2022
Matt Walsh asks: What is a woman?

In What Is a Woman?, Matt Walsh asks a question, but doesn’t like the answers

Matt Walsh's documentary asks What Is a Woman? Unfortunately, his documentary is every bit as much of a science denying propaganda film disguised as a documentary as antivax films like VAXXED or the anti-evolution film Expelled!, and such films tend to be potent messaging tools.

, / July 14, 2022

100% Cure Rate Is Hard to Believe

An experimental cancer drug made 100% of rectal cancers disappear in a small trial, allowing subjects to avoid the standard treatment of chemotherapy and surgery . “Some scientists say these kinds of results have never been seen in the history of cancer research.” 100% is hard to believe; the 95% confidence interval was 74 to 100. Whatever the true percentage, if this...

/ July 12, 2022
Plague doctor

Is COVID-19 “the forever plague”?

A recent article claims that Omicron reinfections confer "no immunity" such that it's possible to be reinfected with Omicron variants every two to three weeks and calls COVID-19 the "forever plague". Although it makes a reasonable point that "natural" postinfection immunity doesn't last long because of variants, the article is undermines its reasonable criticisms of COVID policy with maximal fear mongering.

/ July 11, 2022

An Impossible, Unethical Study of Dubious Value That’s Not Meant to be Taken Seriously

Everyone knows it would be impossible to run an RCT of a million children in the middle of a raging pandemic Doctors who suggest such a thing don't expect you to take them seriously.

/ July 10, 2022

Recent trends in pediatric chiropractic use: the good, the bad, and the unhelpful

A new study looks into the numbers behind pediatric chiropractic in the United States. There isn't much new here, but it adds a bit of nuance to the discussion. Still, it's clear that we need better data.

/ July 8, 2022