Category: Science and Medicine

Vaping is Bad: Respiratory Illness, Banning Flavors, and Bad Behavior

Recent reports on the impact of vaping-associated respiratory illnesses are raising concerns about flavored e-cigarettes, and vaping in general. Adding to the problems are some rather draconian measures being implemented by some schools to "protect" students.

/ September 27, 2019

The Verdict is In: There is No Justice for Ezekiel Stephan

Ezekiel Stephan died from bacterial meningitis and his parents' failure to seek appropriate medical care in 2012, and now they have been acquitted after the Supreme Court of Canada ordered a new trial. It appears that there may be no justice for Ezekiel.

/ September 20, 2019

A British Teenager is Blind, But Not Because of Junk Food or “Fussy Eating”

A recent case report about a British teenager blinded by severe nutritional deficiencies resulted in widespread media coverage, much of which missed the point. He wasn't blinded by junk food and he wasn't just a fussy eater.

/ September 6, 2019
Chris Wark didn't beat cancer

Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Making a Killing

Chris Wark has a new book out, with the unsurprising title of Chris Beat Cancer. It purports to be a guide to beating cancer. It's not.

/ September 5, 2019

One reason mouse studies often don’t translate to humans very well

Mouse models are often used as preclinical models of human disease, but the number of drugs that succeed in mice but go on to be approved as a drug for humans is only about one in ten. A new study comparing gene expression in the cells of human brains with those of mouse brains provides new insight into why.

/ August 26, 2019

Science-Based Satire: Children of Anti-Vaccine Parents More Likely to Refuse Cootie Shot

Are the children of anti-vaccine parents refusing their cootie shots? Are we at risk of seeing outbreaks in our schools? They do say that the organic, non-GMO apples don't fall far from the tree. No, this is satire. Everyone knows that the cootie virus can only be found in government research laboratories.

/ August 23, 2019

Americans still (mostly) trust scientists and doctors, but there are some troubling warning signs

Given all the denial of the science behind vaccines, GMOs, evolution, and climate science, you might think that Americans in general distrust scientists and physicians. It's actually not true. Trust in scientists and doctors remains high, but there are still areas where mistrust of scientists is a significant problem. What can be done?

/ August 12, 2019

Put it Over There with the Others: More “Promising Preliminary” Evidence for Acupressure

Another day, another legitimate journal publishing a preliminary study practically designed to spit out a positive result. Also, acupuncture robots?

/ August 9, 2019

Think Twice Before Giving Young Children Reflux Medications

A recent study demonstrates an association between reflux medications in infancy and increased risk of fractures in early childhood, yet another reason to be cautious when using pharmaceutical interventions to manage a mostly benign and self-limited condition.

/ July 26, 2019

Zapping Antipsychiatry ECT Nonsense

These days people's perceptions of electroconvulsive therapy have a fictionalized understanding of what it is, and its harms. The reality is quite different.

/ July 25, 2019