Are placebo effects genetically determined?

We frequently write about placebo effects here at SBM because understanding placebo effects is essential to understanding a lot of clinical trial science and, most relevant to the topics of this blog, how those promoting unscientific medicine misunderstand and misuse placebo effects to promote quackery. Last week, The NYT published an article asking if placebo effects are genetically determined. The evidence supporting...

/ November 12, 2018

Wrong About Polio: A Review of Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk’s “Dissolving Illusions” Part 1 (the long version)

This is a longer version of my post on Friday, November 9th, 2018. It is a lengthy discussion of why Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk's book Dissolving Illusions misrepresents the dangers of polio, one in a series of posts that should comprehensively show the problems with their claims. It covers far more than just polio, but is worthwhile for those interested...

/ November 10, 2018

Wrong About Polio: A Review of Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk’s “Dissolving Illusions” Part 1 (the short version)

Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk's book Dissolving Illusions make numerous egregious errors or deceptive statements about polio. Here is part 1 in a series about the truth and true impacts of polio.

/ November 9, 2018

Goop and Dr. Mark Hyman join forces for some functional medicine heavy metal fear mongering

Goop and the Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Mark Hyman join forces for some functional medicine heavy metal fear mongering featuring bogus diagnostic testing and discredited treatments. Experts crush their pseudoscience.

/ November 8, 2018

Update on Low Calorie Sweeteners

An updated review of the science finds that artificial sweeteners are still a safe and effective option for weight management.

/ November 7, 2018

Human Flaws Demonstrate Evolution, Not Intelligent Design

The human body is clearly not the product of an intelligent designer. Its many flaws tell the fascinating story of evolution's accidents and constraints.

/ November 6, 2018

More, please! A victim of cancer quack Robert O. Young wins a $105 million settlement

Robert O. Young is a cancer quack who claims to be a naturopath who promotes what he calls "pH Miracle Living." He claims that cancer is caused by excess acid and that the way to prevent and cure cancer is to "alkalinize the blood." Two and a half years ago, he was convicted of practicing medicine without a license. Last week, a...

/ November 5, 2018

A Common Virus Wreaks Uncommon Havoc in a New Jersey Nursing Home for Medically Fragile Children

Ten children have died in the past few weeks as a result of a common viral infection that typically causes mild symptoms. But there is much more to the many adenoviruses than meets the eye.

/ November 2, 2018

Billions on herbal remedies – and for what?

Consumers spend billions each year on herbal remedies, with little to show for it.

/ November 1, 2018

Alkaline Water Surges Despite Lack of Evidence

Alkaline water is pure BS – there is no plausibility to the claims of any health benefits, and what evidence we have is negative. Its popularity grows despite this.

/ October 31, 2018